Charcoal for Construction
Charcoal is laid on and mixed with foundation soil as a measure against moisture and odors under the floors of houses and buildings, and for room temperature adjustment
Creates a relaxing living space with construction carbon “Plus 1”!
Creates a comfortable environment under the floor.
Perfect for “sick houses”!
Uses the humidity controlling effect of charcoal, suppressing condensation and mold growth throughout the year.
Effective for adsorbing harmful chemicals.
Creates an environment in which it is difficult for cockroaches and termites, etc., to thrive.
Measures for Insulation and Preventive Measures against Dew Condensation and Moisture
Humidity Control (Dehumidification)
The conditions under the floors of rebar buildings and houses that have sunlight and ventilation problems can be easily impacted by climate and humidity conditions. Construction carbon “Plus 1” has excellent water absorption and retention, and constantly adjusts the humidity under the floor.
Create comfortable spaces in houses and buildings with the power of the dehumidifying/deodorizing charcoal “Plus 1.”
Plus 1 contributes to the improvement of under-floor environments.
Temperature Control and Heat Insulation Effect
Air conditioners have made it comfortable in homes all year round. But today, many of our living environments, particularly the living and working environments for urban dwellers, are surrounded by reinforced concrete. Concrete is a material that maintains temperature and provides thermal insulation at greater levels than people find comfortable.
Charcoal has the effect of adjusting temperatures under the floor. “Plus 1” maintains a comfortable air environment for the whole house or building from the foundation up.
Sick House Measures — Adsorption Effect
Adsorption of Harmful Substances
Chemical substances affect the overall environment, including building materials that lead to sick house syndrome, formaldehyde and chemicals used in furniture adhesives, CO2/NOx released into the atmosphere by cars, and chemical substances from incinerators. The warning bell has been rung for these serious influences on the health of residents.
“Plus 1” has been shown to adsorb these causative substances. As shown in the graph below, it has shown results of lowering values of 15 ppm to the standard value of 0.08 ppm after 90 minutes. Of course, Plus 1 is also recognized for adsorbing other substances (e.g. ammonia).
Insect and Mold Prevention Measures – Ant, Insect and Mold Repellent
Measures against Insects such as Ants, etc.
The moisture content of underfloor wood foundations with poor ventilation and sunlight is high, tending to produce environments prone to pests such as termites and ticks. Complete measures are required for the heat and humidity that pests like, especially over the rainy season and summer.
Humid areas are also environments that are prone to oxidation or rot.
Charcoal refined under high temperature is a highly alkaline material. This alkaline activity not only suppresses oxidation in high humidity environments (insect outbreaks, moths, wood and rebar building material corrosion, etc.) but also contributes to the creation of an environment that prevents pests by controlling humidity.
Prevention of Mold Generation
Mold causes odors and allergies, and also causes wood decay. Some mold is useful, such as cheese yeast, but the impact on the corrosion/oxidation of building materials in the foundations of houses in high humidity environments is significant.
Leaving mold, etc., can result in reducing the residential life of houses and buildings. In addition to hot and humid summers, the combustion gas generated while heating in the winter contains a lot of water that condenses in low temperature areas under the floor, causing more mold.